How To Take Homeopathic Medicines

Commonly Prescribed Forms of Homeopathic Medicines

  1. Liquid – Dilutions:The dilutions are one of the most common form of medicines used in homeopathy. These are readily available online as well as on homeopathic pharmaceutical stores and homeopathic physicians. The potency of each medicine is indicated on the label, along with the name of the medicine. It must be carefully read and understood before taking medicine. For example Belladonna 30x is different from Belladonna 30c. The liquid potencies are commonly available as:

Centesimal: denoted by ‘c’, ‘ch’, ‘CH’ or simply nothing is written after the numerical potencies, e.g. 6, 30, 200 etc. are same as 6c, 30c, 200c or 6cH, 30cH or 200cH respectively.

LM/50th Millesimal scale/Millesimal scale: The medicines are denoted either as LM/1, LM/2, etc. or 0/1, 0/2 and so on. These are generally prepared by the pharmacy or the homeopathic physician as their preparation involves a stepwise manner according to homeopathic principles. These must be taken with proper advise and understanding.

  1. Pills (Globules) soaked with liquid dilutions:


  1. Biochemic tablets
  1. Powder form:The powder used in homeopathic prescription is made up of milk sugar and is completely safe, even for kids. The liquid medicine or few medicated pillules are added to the powder as a dose.
  1. Mother tinctures
  1. Triturated Tablets: Triturated tablets are form of homeopathic medicines containing low potencies of medicines in a suitable base (e.g. lactose). These are consumed either by chewing or crushed and mixed with water. Triturated tablets are commonly denoted with ‘x’ along with name of medicines e.g. Thyroidinum 3x, Insulinum 6x, etc.


 How to take

Time gap

What to Avoid

Taking Homeopathy along with Allopathic and other therapies

Two Prescriptions at Same Time



General considerations

Report Unusual

Homeopathic medicines are amongst the safest medicines with no side effects, however, there may arise a condition when your symptoms may get aggravated due to other factors (self-medication, progressive medical condition, side effects of other medicines etc.). If you feel any other symptom or deviation from health, you should immediately report it to your treating physician.